
Smihub Com (Dec 2021) Instagram Story Viewer

Smihub is Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms. It lets users upload photos and posts. Instagram was first introduced in 2010. Since then, it has been able to please users with brand new features, styles, and, perhaps, the most important thing it has become an income-generating resource. A few users showcase their talents and delight other users by sharing their reels, stories and pictures

Many people would like to browse IG video and other content posted by others, however they don’t reveal their identities to the creator author of material. Therefore, in this case, there are tools that allow individuals to be anonymous and still have access to reels of photos, videos, and stories posted by different users. A tool like smihub and smihub allows users to go into privacy and view the Instagram profiles of other users.

What exactly is Smihub?

Smihub, also known as Dumpor is one of the most reliable tools to check Instagram stories, photos, profiles as well as profiles without divulging your actual identity. You are in a position to search for any anonymous person and download photos as well as video. This tool is designed for users who want to look over Instagram videos and posts from other users but aren’t willing to reveal their identity.

The program is free of cost and very easy to use. This is one of the many reasons why people choose to utilize the program. Smihub allows users to see their profile, photos reelsand videos, and let users download the content to their device. The app can also be used for finding videos using hashtags. This is the ideal tool that allows you to follow or track any person in a secure manner

What is the method Smihub functions?

  • If you’re one of the people who would like to find the Instagram profiles or the Instagram stories of any particular user, you can follow the steps below.
  • Go to this Official site(Smihub has now been operating under the name Dumper).
  • It is vital to get the URL of the profile. If you would like to follow or look up the username of their account on Instagram then click three dots at the top right-hand corner. Click Copy Profile URL in order to discover an ID unique to the user. for the user.
  • If you’re simply interested in checking out an Instagram stories, photos, you can simply cut and paste in the URL of your profile and then hit search.
  • Someone who wishes to transfer any story, video or images that belong to the person, chooses the option to download from Instagram which is accessible on the site. Paste the URL of the profile, and then click on the process to proceed.
  • When you see an Instagram post, click Download and download videos of the user through Instagram.


Smihub allows users to browse Instagram through an anonymous username. IG stories reels, photos, and reels posts that have tags or videos too are available.

  • The tools permit users to examine the comments, likes, followers, and even comments without divulging their identities.
  • Smihub was specifically designed to offer Instagram information. It is searchable with hashtags as well as locations. If you’re looking to get started on the career you’d like to pursue via Instagram start searching with hashtags.
  • Images and videos are easily downloaded onto devices via links. Therefore, the downloaded content will be available soon, and can be downloaded even without internet access.


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