
When to Go for Bowen Therapy and Shockwave Therapy Treatment

Nothing can be compared to living a balanced and healthy lifestyle at all times. At times, the body system may tend to function contrary to the type of health we want. When this happens, a quick treatment that will get the body part functioning adequately is the best thing to get on time. The most common illness that does affect the body of both young and old is having pains in the body, especially in the muscle, joints, and bones. And this type of pain is not limited to any age or gender. When expressing such pains and illness, one of the proven ways to get relief is the Bowen therapy treatment Midhurst ON. For other musculoskeletal conditions being faced in the tendons and other forms of pain, shockwave therapy clinic Midhurst ON is another method to treat such conditions.

When you should think Bowen therapy treatment

Bowen therapy is a gentle form of body work and it is effective in relieving pains for newborns, the elderly, pregnant women, accident victims, or anyone who is being faced with any form of pain and condition. It is always applied to tight muscles with specific procedures to relieve pains and makes it safe for everyone. Bowen therapy application locates the root cause of musculoskeletal conditions, neurological pains, and other ailments to relax the muscles, tendons, ligaments, releasing pinched nerves tension, and stress. Conditions that demand treatment using Bowen therapy are Back pain, chronic and acute, Tennis Elbow, Arthritic pain, Inflexibility, Headaches, Scoliosis, Postural problems, Foot and ankle problems, Heel Pain, Sacro-iliac Pain, Pelvic Problems, Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), Frozen Shoulder and pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Sporting Injuries, Tight Hamstrings and other musculoskeletal pains, respiratory problems, digestive disorders, GERD, and gynecological problems.

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Getting treatment with shockwave therapy

Shockwave therapy uses pressure waves in treating various musculoskeletal conditions such as degenerated tendons, heel pains, and tennis elbow. This method of treatment has been used to get rid of chronic conditions which were unable to be cured with the use of physiotherapy, chiropractic, or surgery. Shockwave therapy is a proven and effective method for the treatment of a range of tendon complaints to bring about relief and restoration. This therapy is a safe and non-invasive treatment that reduces stubborn pains and shortens recovery time for patients who had suffered sporting injuries, medical conditions that affected their movements, body wear and tear among others to get their activeness back.


When experiencing any form of musculoskeletal pain from injuries or medical conditions causing various pains in the body and tendons, Bowen therapy treatment Midhurst ON can help you to tighten loose muscles and also loosen tight muscles, and reset the body to its alignment, eliminating pains within a short time. Shockwave therapy clinic Midhurst ON is also an effective and proven method in the treatment of chronic pain conditions of tendons through the use of pressure waves without it causing damage to the skin. To use Bowen therapy or shockwave therapy for relieving pains, your practitioner is the best to decide which suits well for your use.

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